30-for-30: Build your V1 for $30K

Portfolio \ AARP Foundation

Volunteer Tutoring Platform

Location 📍
District of Columbia
Expertise 🎨
Design | UX 
React | Salesforce
Platform 🤌
Web | AWS | Salesforce

The Experience Corps Hub enables AARP Foundation coordinators and volunteers to perform tutoring sessions serving 30,000 students across 26 cities.

The cluster-fudge of excel docs, half-baked websites and paper forms meant endless hours of data entry and collection. Enter Lacy McDowell, newly hired Data and Technology Strategy Advisor, fresh from his experience at The Newseum in DC, where he worked with a certain bunch of Irish developers from 3Advance.

In 2018, 3Advance designed the user experience and then developed intuitive mobile apps to streamline the process of reporting sessions by volunteers. This succeeded in saving endless time, money and frustration for volunteers and program coordinators across the nation.

In 2020, with the pandemic forcing Experience Corps to go online, a growing challenge came to its head. The new overhead of virtual tutoring called for an all new platform that enabled easier placements of students with volunteers, and session scheduling with online video via Zoom, Teams and our custom-built InScreen video platform.

Since 2021, 3Advance has been continually improving and adding user requested features to the Hub. In 2023, the latest evolution of EC Hub is being released to incorporate volunteer time-tracking. With more and more cities going live, the Hub's value grows. The digital transformation of Experience Corps services allows scaling of the program to match the organizations strategic goals.

This means more volunteers trained, and most importantly more kids given the tutoring opportunity that might change their lives.

"3Advance has the ability to uncover the hidden potential in a project, and they've figured out the formula for working with clients. You don't feel like you're just another problem on a list. They're invested in you and your project."

Lacy McDowell

Strategy Advisor

AARP Foundation

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